Your Diaper Drive Donation Could Save a Baby's Life
A simple box of diapers can be the difference between life and death for a child.
The reason is this -- so many moms choose abortion when they fear they will be unable to provide for the basic needs of their preborn baby.
This is why EveryLife is teaming up with LiveAction and Heartbeat International for a Diaper Drive January 22-31, 2024.
Here's how it works: When you make a tax-deductible donation for the Diaper Drive, LiveAction will then purchase EveryLife diapers for pregnancy resource centers within Heartbeat International's network of pro-life PRCs in America.
The goal is to provide EveryLife diapers to 1,000 mothers and their babies!
Your gift of $50 before January 31th to the Diaper Drive helps a mom facing an unplanned pregnancy. Donate today!
About LiveAction
With the largest and most engaged online following in the pro-life movement, LiveAction is leading the transformation to end abortion. Through compelling educational media, human interest storytelling, and investigating reporting, LiveAction reveals the humanity of the preborn and exposes the abortion industry's exploitation of women for profit. Today, their right to life movement reaches over 6.8 million people with eye-opening and life-saving content.
About Heartbeat International
Heartbeat International is the first network of pro-life pregnancy resource centers founded in the U.S. (1971), and it is now the most expansive network in the world. Heartbeat has over 3,000 affiliated pregnancy help locations including pregnancy help medical clinics (with ultrasound), resource centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies in more than 80 countries worldwide to provide alternatives to abortion.