Buy For a Cause

EveryLife is currently allocating all Buy For a Cause bundles to families directly impacted by the devastating Kentucky floods. We’re grateful to be partnering with City Serve, who is working tirelessly to ensure the diapers and wipes reach families in need by any means necessary.

Even if you don’t have a baby in diapers, you can support EveryLife’s mission to change lives when you “Buy For a Cause.”

Each bundle include’s a month’s supply of diapers and wipes (6 packs of diapers, 4 packs of wipes).

Regular price$49.99
Choose order type
  • Donate a month's supply of "Buy For a Cause" bundle every 4 weeks
  • Skip, cancel or edit any time
  • Donate a month's supply of diapers and wipes

Meet our Partner Organizations

Each Buy For a Cause diaper and wipes bundle directly aids a family and positively impacts lives. We’re proud to partner with these select pro-life organizations who serve the urgent needs of moms and dads who have chosen life for their baby.