EveryLife Offers Free Diapers Outside DNC in Response to Free Abortions

Breitbart - While Planned Parenthood is ending unborn lives via medication abortion outside of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this week in its mobile “health” clinic, a pro-life diaper company called EveryLife is offering support to pregnant women who want another option.
EveryLife is partnering with Sidewalk Advocates for Life and a life-affirming mobile medical unit from ThriVe Nation to station outside of the DNC in Chicago, the company stated.
See the full Breitbart article, "Pro-life diaper company counters free abortions outside DNC with support for pregnant women."
New York Post - Pro-life advocates are counterprogramming the mobile truck offering free abortions and vasectomies outside the DNC by providing mothers with free diapers.
Planned Parenthood had the mobile truck planted Monday and Tuesday near the convention site in Chicago and was providing free vasectomies and medicated abortions for about 35 patients, The Post previously reported.
See the full NY Post article, "Pro-life advocates counter Planned Parenthood truck offering vasectomies, abortions outside DNC with free diapers."
Daily Caller - In response to free vasectomy and abortion services, Pro-Life advocates will be distributing free diapers outside the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Tuesday.
Pro-life advocates launched a counterprogramming effort against a mobile clinic that offered free abortions and vasectomies during the DNC in Chicago. Planned Parenthood stationed the truck near the convention site, aiming to serve around 35 patients, according to the New York Post. In response, EveryLife, a pro-life diaper company, announced its initiative to provide free diapers to mothers considering alternatives to abortion.
See the full Daily Caller article, "Pro-Life advocates offer free diapers outside DNC in response to free vasectomy and abortion services."
LIVE ACTION - Pro-lifers traveled to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago this week to counter Planned Parenthood’s free abortion and vasectomy mobile facility and offer life-affirming support and choices to women.
Planned Parenthood of Great Rivers parked a bus outside of the DNC on Monday and Tuesday and booked appointments there for free abortion pills, vasectomies, and emergency contraception. The abortion corporation claimed it had 25 spots open for free abortions and 10 vasectomies — and that it had booked them all.
See the full LIVE ACTION post, "Pro-life groups counter Planned Parenthood's bus with life-affirming support near DNC."
The pro-life community responded in a unified front this week to counter Planned Parenthood's free abortion and vasectomy mobile facility -- instead offering life-affirming care and choices to women.
EveryLife made the decision to provide a lifetime supply of free diapers to any pregnant mother visiting the abortion mobile unit who instead made the decision for life.
"While Planned Parenthood mocks and contributes to the devaluing of the family unit and the demise of our nation, EveryLife will continue to champion life and parenthood," said Sarah Gabel Seifert, president and co-founder of EveryLife. "We are honored to provide a tangible resource to help moms in need choose life, knowing that diapers can be the difference between life and death for a baby."
Anyone interested in assisting with diapers for moms who choose life for their babies are invited to make a "Buy For a Cause" purchase of a month's supply of diapers and wipes.